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Network Rail & Sadiq Khan have been discriminating against disabled performers for years....Click Here
PUT A RAMP ON IT - A stage without a ramp means no disabled people allowed to work or perform here. Illegal but common - See Story here
Direct action by disabled people this winter in London Tube, railway stations and covered markets....Click Here
Greenwich Council blew over 40 million pounds preventing disabled people from going to work in their new performing arts venue....Part One Click Here
Greenwich Council refuse to investigate disability discrimination cases at the council....Click Here...
Your rights within the DDA
Rights afforded to an individual by an Act of Parliament cannot be removed, ignored, altered, adjusted or re-interpreted as anything other than that intended by Parliament by anyone institution or authority. Including the courts, although they keep trying... This can only be done by Parliament, and only Parliament.
Through the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 Parliament afforded disabled people certain rights beyond and additional to the rights afforded to everyone else.
The DDA overlays, is superior to and effects every single law, act of Parliament, public authority policy and by-law including everything any UK Mayor does. Almost without exception the rights afforded to disabled people through the DDA cannot be taken away by anyone. Including Greenwich Council.
The DDA was explicitly written to bias Public authorities, They were given extra responsibility, these extra responsibilities were deliberately written into the act itself, so Public authorities would be the standard bearers of the fight against disability discrimination and an example of best practise.
This placed an extra financial burden upon public authorities although larger Government grants were given. Governments of differing completions have unlawfully allowed public authorities to ignore or reduce their legal duty as written into the DDA, in some cases the courts have, I believe wrongly and unlawfully, intervened to reduce a public authorities liability for the DDA such as disability housing in Croydon.
Irrespective of how much public authorities may dislike the fact that the DDA has an effect on their budgets, because the DDA concerns a Parliamentary Act affording rights to an individual the fact remains.
Be advised Croydon & Greenwich Council: The courts CANNOT adjust the rights given to disabled people by a Parliamentary Act because Croydon Councils budgets are tight due to incompetency.
The court had NO legal right to offload the financial burden of an inept and incompetent Croydon Council onto disabled people by reducing their rights under the DDA.
In the UK the courts have way to much power as can be seen here.
I believe Greenwich Council through their performing arts venue ''Works Woolwich'' may in fact turn out to be the worst perpetrator of disability discrimination in the UK, according to pounds spent.
A disabled musician busking because Greenwich Council refuse to put access ramps on the performance stages they paid for using public money. This is unlawful under the DDA