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This copy of an email sent 19/8/2024 proves that when the Chief Executive of Greenwich Council, Debbie Warren enacted  an unlawful policy change without notice or regard to the residents of Greenwich she lied about it and should resign.

Greenwich Council acting more like ''Donald Trump'' that the Labour party we voted into power.

Debbie Warren_edited.jpg

How Greenwich Council routinely try to prevent democratic investigation into fraud at the council

At best Greenwich Council are guilty of abuse of power, at worst blatant corruption and fraudulent use of millions of pounds (Current Estimate over 40 million pounds) of public money that should have been spent on disability employment opportunities for disabled people at ''The Works Woolwich'' that actually was spent on funky disability free designs that mean disabled people can't work there, or pure dishonesty and an attempted cover-up.

Watch closely as the Labour party run Greenwich Council start to act more like Donald Trump than a freedom loving party of the people. Just like Trump they will try to discredit the argument by getting personal about me, usually by trying to discredit me. Then Greenwich will try to silence decent, just like Trump did by trying to ban all street performance and by falsifying documents. We know this as each street performance has been DB (Audio Level) recorded every time I played so we know how loud I am every day. I have never once broken the Government set audio levels that would legally constitute a nuisance.

We took air B&B apartments and hotel rooms to check DB levels as we have been here before with The City of London. Greenwich Council will use their power unlawfully to protect them selves from a democratic examination of their wrongdoing at ''The Works Woolwich'' because that's what Trump would do. What will Greenwich Council do next? Trump or Labour? Cover up or democracy? There is every chance I will stand as an MP or Councillor! So I would hope the MET, whom I gave evidence against for corruption, keep to the law.

​A couple of met coppers out of uniform were filmed making fun of a disabled performer in Greenwich on Bank holiday Monday. So don't hold your breath.

Businesses in Greenwich that supply disabled talent and back stage workers  have been deliberately forced to go under because of public grants from the arts council and central Government being fraudulently accounted for by Debbie Warren's council. The buck stops somewhere? 

Accountability must be placed at somebodies feet, that's why they get the big bucks.

It does appear that Greenwich Council just hate disabled people paying them taxes and working and are determined to force them out of business and onto benefits. Not a single business involved in disability in the performing arts was ever consulted about the design of ''The Works Woolwich'', in terms of disability employment, the worst designed performing arts venue in London, ensuring disabled workers and businesses employing disabled people in Greenwich in the performing arts were designed out of work, right from the start.


On the 8th July 2024 Greenwich Council held a meeting to decide if an increase in musicians performing on the Cutty Sark site should go ahead. The decision was taken to turn down the request and the public was told there would be no additional time given to musicians and in fact it was publicly expressed that there should be a reduction in the number of performance hours.

Greenwich Council then unlawfully went ahead and increased the number of musicians on the Cutty Sark site anyway. This action was unlawful, deceitful and thus Debbie Warren should be removed as Chief Executive for lying to the residents of Greenwich.

I maintain the decision was made to get rid of disabled performers by soliciting more noise complaints by increasing the number of hours of music played expressly against the wishes of the residents.

This is an example of a public authority using the power given to them by us being used against the interests of those same people including minority groups, such as disabled people.

Greenwich Council have been thwarted on a few occasions with the plans they wanted for this area of Greenwich, including a cruise terminal they wanted, but was rejected by the residents and a possible privatisation of the area meaning that the terminal can be pushed through without residents approval.

As the law stands, if there is just one regular disabled busker on the Cutty Sark site then no private company will take it over. A disabled busker is like sitting tenants for a developer.

So Greenwich are resorting to criminal behaviour, so there must be a reason this corrupt council will risk so much! DONT YOU?

You will read that when Debbie Warren Chief Executive of Greenwich Council altered a substantial part of a Greenwich Council street performer policy that would increase the noise levels in Greenwich from 6 to 8 hours a week to up to 70 hours a week without any consultation with local residents or stake holders. 

She deliberately used disabled people to drive a wedge between the local residents and disabled performers in Greenwich to enact this unlawful policy change without consultation to ether group. She acted unlawfully, with malice, she discarded the rights of disabled people went directly against government policy with respect to assisting disabled people into work, all without any consultation with anybody whom this change would affect. 

She acted against the best interests of the people who voted her into power, she acted against the best interests of disabled people, she acted against the best interests of residents of Greenwich surrounding the Cutty Sark, she can no longer be trusted and must go.

The details are in this copy of the email below

Copy to

Matthew Thomas Pennycook MP

Vicky Foxcroft MP

Debbie Warren Chief Executive Greenwich Council


Various Councilors


Dear Debbie Warren Chief Executive Greenwich Council


Please forward the names of the Councillors and Senior people at Greenwich Council who agreed this change to disability accessibility for disabled workers outlined below so that I can publish their names and photographs and in particular, start a campaign with the residents of the apartment block opposite the Cutty Sark site, in order to stop Greenwich Council for acting unlawfully and increasing the noise pollution levels at Cutty Sark without any consolation with said residents. Making this change unlawful.


Councilors involved in this unlawful action will be asked to resign.


Please forward the names ASAP or we will conciser this the unlawful action directed by Debbie Warren Chief Executive Greenwich Council and ask her to resign.


With respect to the further unlawful assaults on the rights of disabled people and discrimination of disabled workers by Greenwich Council.

It is expected that this email will be used in legal proceedings so the attached graphic has been drawn up for Greenwich Council and the court so there should be no equivocation or misunderstanding as to reference re busking Cutty Sark location.

The graphic is not to scale but the distances are equal equivalence.













Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA)

Note: In law no disabled person needs or is required to, seek or have the permission or acquiescence from any public authority Governmental department law enforcement or any agency or court to act and proceed lawfully using their rights under the Disability Discrimination act 1995. The DDA is Superior to any law Police action local authority policy protestation bylaw or enforcement action of any public authority and will in almost every instance make the above said policy enforcement unlawful if the guidance and instructions in the DDA are not adhered to by a public authority. This includes pre-policy change impact assessments.

As such I have been, and am using my rights under the act to work as a professional performer going about my lawful business under the DDA and current Government guidance re disabled people working, on the Cutty Sark site in Greenwich for between 6 - 8 hours a week and hereby make a formal complaint to the council with respect to their actions that I believe are unlawful with respect to increase noise levels above those that already exist by disabled performers and disability discrimination..


See Graphic) Busking busking pitch no 3 at the Cutty Sark site has always been reserved as the disabled busking pitch by disabled people on this site, in line with the directions to public authorities under an act of Parliament DDA 1995:

We don't need Greenwich Councils approval due to their refusal to offer adjustments to their busking policy. I discovered that on Friday 16th August that Greenwich Council had removed this spot as a disabled only busking pitch and allowed able bodied performers to kick disabled performers off and has given able bodied performers the right to do this, to use this pitch and have priority over disabled people. I would remind Greenwich Council that they have at no time agreed to any adjustments for disabled buskers in this site, after 2 years of asking. This is why we have enacted our rights under the DDA 1995. If Greenwich Council had behaved lawfully under the DDA, we would not be here now. So for the court:

The reason this has been designated as disabled only pitch since the spring of 2024, some 3 months, is as follows.


1) It is the only accessible busking spot close enough to the only disabled toilets to be accessible to a disabled performer and still have direct sight of their gear if they have to leave to use the only accessible toilet.


2) It is the only pitch in direct sight of the main Cutty Sark office to allow oversight of the disabled performers should they need assistance. Pitches 1 and 2 are completely hidden and pose a significant thread of crime to vulnerable performers.


3) Pitch 3  is protected from the high winds that blow from the Thames. This has already been noted as a real danger for disabled performers on pitches 2 and 1 and the general public with gear being blown into children being unable to be recovered due to disabled people having mobility problems.


4) No consultation with any disabled performers was sought or impact assessment made on how this change would effect the stake holders, or any disabled person.


5) A change of this sort could easily result on confrontation putting the well being of indeed the lives of disabled performers at risk. Even a breach of the peace as a disabled performers continue to perform on the only disabled and accessible spot available to them on this site.


6) With the apartment block in such close proximity, the limited use of the pitch, disabled only performers currently about 6-8 hours a week during lunch times, that currently pose no significant increase in noise pollution levels. By Greenwich Council's unlawful act they have deliberately increased the number of hours buskers will use this spot to possibly over 70 hours a week without any impact assessment to noise levels for local residents.

This will result in a massive increase in the noise pollution levels of the apartment block and the resident therein.

If this was done on purpose to enable the Council to put in an application to stop disabled busking on this pitch, it would quite possibly be a criminal offence. Hence the graphic for the police and the court.


7) There are 2 further busking pitches that can be used by any able bodied performer, but not disabled performers.


8) Due to the fact that disabled workers often can only work when their disability and health condition allows, and not when they just want to work, means disabled performers cannot pre-book the pitch as non disabled people can, thus requiring a non bookable, available all the time, accessible pitch without restriction. Greenwich Council just gave their accessible pitch away. This is no different to a disabled parking spot that is reserved for disabled people. (So for the court) There is no excuse that Greenwich Council do not understand this well understood principle how it works, it's function and management.

Greenwich Council placed the disabled parking spot next to the disabled toilet, just as we did with the disabled performance spot.


To that end

Disabled performers will continue to perform on this spot as it is the only accessible busking pitch limited to around 6 to 8 hours a week, and if an able bodied person should try to force the vulnerable disabled person to leave, then the Police will be called and everything of course will be filmed for the courts.



J Smith








Beyond Disability campaigns for equality for disabled performers and workers in the Performing Arts

''PUT A RAMP ON IT'' is the new slogan to get all performance stages and platforms
fitted with ramps as standard to allow disabled performers and back stage techs access and
therefore employment within the performing arts.

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