Historical disability abuse by Sadiq Khan
From 2016 Sadiq Kahn kicked this disabled man & many other disabled people off their busking pitch on the Tube & Southbank, then prevented John Smith from ever working again. The most callas of politicians. WHY? What's going on? John is not the only one abused by Khan...Click Here
Network Rail email address...Clic​k Here​
''For 8 years disabled performers like me have been denied the right to work by Sadiq Kahn. Political opponents have been denied access to Londoners under his control''. This is what modern day corruption & abuse looks like.
Sadiq Khan is a disability abuser & guilty of abuse of power. Sir Kier Starmer was emailed about it & ignored the warnings, as always.
A new business venture run by, & employing only people with disabilities to be announced in 2025.
Following the Governments new flexible working directives I will be announcing this new venture that will force intransient councils & TFL to uphold the law with respect to flexible licences and trading standards that has been stifling new disabled run businesses in London. Click Here...
What has Sadiq Kahn and the Labour Party been hiding for all these years.
What's their dirty little secret?
Could this bring down a Government?
Good they deserve it!
On the 16th December Network Rail told the only disabled musician busking at London Bridge Station, me, to leave. There were over 20 able bodied musicians on the station at the time, but only the disabled musician was told to leave. I had been busking for 7 days in the same location so I complained to the station head, but he said I must have the permission of Sadiq Khan if I want to busk. Sadiq Khan is an abuser. If you want to ask why? Their email address is:
​We now believe that the rules put in place by Sadiq Khan that can see a disabled man thrown out of work the week before Christmas unlawfull and will no longer follow it.
The video will expose Sadiq Khan's scam whereby he gave the best busking spots in London to his mates, (Busk in London) who then sold sponsorship and only licenced buskers who would get them sponsorship money, but to do so they had to get rid of all the disabled people who were already busking, like me. This was completely unlawful corrupt callas and vicious. Busking is not TV or a talent contest, this is busking, living off tips, it's pretty low stuff, this is not a great way to earn a living.... is it? I only do this because they don't put ramps on jazz club stages. This is the real Sadiq Khan, a corrupt callas man who made a ''social employment cushion'' for many disabled people like me, into something a management company could make money from . Only Sadiq Khan and a Labour administration to get the social employment cusion part of busking so completely wrong. Disabled musicians don't go busking because they aren't good enough, they go busking because the administration wont push the performing arts business into the 21st century and make them abide by the Disability Discrimination act.
The sponsors didn't want ugly disabled people making music, so Sadiq Khan allowed ''Busk In London'' to kick us all out and refuse us disabled musicians licences. We recon each disabled person is owed 8 years of lost wages and Sadiq Khan needs to be prosecuted for what he did. He must not be knighted otherwise PM Sir Kier Starmers plans for disabled people re-entering the work place will be discredited. He will have knighted a man who made money from kicking disabled people out of work into poverty & onto the street.
For disabled performers busking has a social & economic function. It kept hundreds of disabled people out of poverty and out of the wealfare benifit trap.
It gave employment and dignity to disabled performers and Sadiq Khan managed to screw it up & gentrify working for tips. Only somone who has no real connection to working people could do that to so many disabled Londoners & think it was OK.
I now have conclusive proof that the Met in London have fabricated evidence lied to the authorities about me & other disabled people in an attempt to discredit the victims of historic abuse perpetrated by Sadiq Khan & ''Busk In London''. So nothing new there then. I gave evidence about Met police corruption 18 months ago, so I am now wondering, is there some kind of corruption that's being covered up at ''Busk In London'' here as well? Apart from the disability abuse & discrimination that can be a crime.
Sadiq Khan has made it incredibly difficult for musicians to get a Licence, meaning the musicians will put up with corruption, and wont complain for fear of loosing their jobs. where as I will complain and wont put up with any corruption. This makes me a real danger to Sadiq Khan & ''Busk In London''. An honest disabled person is the last thing Sadiq Khan needs around.
You will read below the scope and depth of Sadiq Khan's abuse. ''That's when Sadiq Khan and Network Rail will start arresting disabled workers/buskers rather than give them the licence and compensation that they should have had 8 years ago. Sadiq Khan not only kicked out disabled buskers, he got the Met and the courts to continue the abuse by harrasing us.
As a disabled performer I was kicked of my busking pitch, as were many other disabled performers from 2012 - 2016 on the Tube and Southbank in Lambeth, with no compensation. Why would a Labour authority not give disabled people they just illegally removed from work any compensation? Because that would be an admission of guilt, I have been denied a busking licence ever since without any reasonable adjustments by:
Westminster City Council
Sadiq Khan London Mayor
Greenwich Council
Busk In London
(Sadiq Khan)
All Labour run authorities & utterly corrupt
I have performed for The Mayor of Greenwich, turning on the Christmas lights, The ex prime minister Sir John Major at the Lottery Birthday in the Science Museum with ''The Citizens of the World Choir''. I have performed Silent Night in the Crypt of St Paul's Cathedral plus many many more, so the argument I'm not good enough to perform on the Tube is a cover up by the Met Police, run by Sadiq Khan of course, that's the power dynamic, always is with abusers. Keep reading to see how the Met are involved in, once again covering up the historic abuse by their boss. If your thinking this story of unbridled power, abuse and cover-up is familiar, its because its the same every time. Then they get knighted. Labour authorities have known about this for over 8 years and covered it up.
I learnt today 11/12/24 that the Met Police have fabricated evidence against me. I exposed the Met, in particular Brixton Police station for corruption and selling drugs to children on a massive scale using private security firms in London.
The Met have apparently have been telling the authorities that I am a danger to the public. This is what the Met do to people who are honest and inform the authorities about Met corruption. Its also why I cant get arrested and be represented in a court, ever.
So thank you to the honest copper, perhaps the only one.
I have an email from TFL asking me to go for an audition due to my playing and singing being so good, just as Sir John Major thought, then upon discovering I was disabled, & an original busker taking the offer back. Pure corruption, callousness discrimination and abuse on the say so of Sadiq Khan. If not..... then why is a performer as good as me been literally, left in the cold with the Khan hoping I would die, as most of the others have. What a laugh they must have had.
Please also remember our PM was involved in refusing to prosecute previous abusers, now he is Knighting them instead. Sir Kier Starmer has a blind spot for abusers. If not ''then Sir Kier, Give us our busking licences now, why are you refusing us, what are you hiding other than the truth?''
''There must be reason why you still refuse us a busking licence, what is the reason? Why would you work so hard to prevent me, an old disabled busker from giving me my old pitch back? The only answer is your hiding something aren't you''? ''There is no other reason, is there?''
Its really simple you just say ''Hey guys, here is your busking licence, fill your boots, but you cant do that can you, why not?'' ''You just cant face the victims that you refused to work for in the past, can you'' ''So you cant face us now'' ''Can you?'' All that talk of transparency and openness was just establishment rubbish so you can just allow abusers to abuse all over again.
Sadiq Kahn controls all under cover and most visible busking in London including Borough Market, The Tube, All London Main line Railway Stations and Westminster Abby. That's a cover up by the Church. So nothing new there then.
I have received constant abuse and harassment from the Met Police and councils as can be seen from the video evidence....Click Here
​So why so much abuse, then covered up?
When a disabled person receives a busking licence they bring certain legal rights with them that able bodied people don't have. This is covered in the Disability Discrimination act. So every Labour Council on the list is guilty of Disability Discrimination. These rights make it difficult but not impossible to get rid of a disabled busker, meaning if a public authority wants to develop an area or make changes that would discriminate against the disabled busker, they then have to financially compensate the disabled person. Actually they should compensate all the buskers who they have now taken away their jobs. They just don't tell us.
Please remember these are all Labour controlled councils being supported in their discrimination and abuse of disabled people, and me, by the current Government and the Met Police.
So these Labour authorities were happy for disabled people to be stripped of their rights and some made homeless, such as me. Pushed into poverty, allowed to suffer as they kicked them out of work from their busking spots such as the Tube when licenced back in 2016.
Every single one of the disabled buskers was refused a new licence, every single one, including me.
Sadiq Kahn was fully aware of this historic disability abuse and denial of disability rights. Even to this very day 9th December 2024 he still refuses me, a disabled busker kicked out in 2016, a busking licence or one penny of compensation for being abused in such a callas manner by a Labour party controlled London. And Sir Kier Starmer is going to Knight him for it. So why would you believe a word this sycophant PM says. What a stand up Guy our PM is. Still not a penny of compensation, and still no licence to be back were I should be lest I then bring with me the disability rights the Labour Party are supposed to uphold. But now are fully exposed, they just lie about it. So nothing new there then.
This means the Met Police are now proven to be involved in Politics and the Labour are proven to be disability abusers.
''Would you not think that I would be performing in the warm of the Tube if I was allowed to busk on the Tube!'' Of course I would, but I'm not. So the answer to the question ''Why have I been refused a busking Licence'' has been answered. Very simply its called corruption by every Labour Party run authority in London.
To find out more about why the Met Police have been helping the Government cover up this historic abuse, as they always do, for so many years, is because the Met are in fact a state Police force involved in politics and not there for our benefit. They exist to cover up the crimes of the political parties and the state. And there are so many crimes. God knows how they manage to cover them all, I guess they just ask the Church, Westminster Abby, or Justin Welby, they are historically really good at it. Eventually they all get caught. This time we can stop this abuse and compensate the disabled buskers who faced abuse all those years ago, and like me face that abuse still.
Justin Welby
Jimmy Saville
Thalidomide etc etc
All known about at the time, all covered up and could have been compensated with so much suffering alleviated. Instead the Government have so much money and power, its easer for them to wash the perpetrators clean with a knighthood, just look at the previous abusers, Knighted one and all. They also use the Police and a compliant court system to cover up the abuse. We should add Sadiq Kahn to the list.
If you see me campaigning/busking in London and my website is not accessible on that day, that's the Met once again interfering in politics helping cover up for the abuser, their boss. If your boss tells you to go stop this disabled guy in a wheelchair, its not hard. After all I'm in a wheelchair...Sadiq Khan is a corrupt coward using his troops to cover up the abuse.
The next step for me is to start busking on the Tube and main line railway stations without a licence. That's when Sadiq Khan and Network Rail will start arresting disabled workers/buskers rather than give them a licence that they should have had 8 years ago and that's when we know Russia & China don't hold candle to the UK when it comes to abuse and unlawful actions to disabled people by our Government.
After all wasn't it the Nazis that looked up disabled people kicked them out of work made them homeless turned them into criminals and allowed them to die? The Labour party and now the UK Government have been at it for years.
I have a friend who was a juggler with mental health problems but worked every day as a busker and like me, claimed no benefits. Stood on his own two feet. He bravely stood up to these criminals and refused to leave his pitch, So the Labour run Lambeth council took him to court where a judge told him he would go to prison if he didn't stop busking. The Labour authority then licenced the busking, and of course refused to give him one. He received not a penny in compensation. He is ready to testify against this Government and Sadiq Khan. I suspect they will do the same to me. Just like the Nazis, make criminals of disabled people.
There are more disabled buskers who suffered as we did at the hands of Sadiq Khan.
London Labour authorities found it easy to just dispose of disabled people and their rights like they were worthless animals.
I think the word your looking for is scum.
Discrediting the victims by the Met Police
The police are incredibly good at discrediting victims on behalf of abusers. Look into almost every case of historic abuse and you will find that one of the reasons the cases were held up was because the Police discredited the victimes first, on behalf of the abusers, until they didn't. Sadiq Khan runs the Met Police and if you ask why I have been left out in the cold the excuses they have been using are:
He is a nutter
He is delusional
He is a liar
He does not actually sing and is lyp sinking
He is not actually playing his Saxophone and is playing along
He is a national security risk
This is the most ridicules. I have indeed had some political connection.
All have been used on me so which one is it? None of course. Just once again the Met helping out the abusers, until they don't anymore.
Just so the Met Knows. I have been filming the Mets intimidation abuse and interference for over a year now. So if your a Met Copper and your desk Sargent tells you to go along and help cover up the abuse perpetrated by some newly made Knight who could at some point abuse your friends or kids, remember, plain cloths or not, your on film and there is no legal excuse for covering up abuse, even if your superior gives you an order. If I'm not busking on the Tube, then you know its abuse...........Click Here