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The reason I stand as an independent candidate against Sadiq Kahn is to attempt to get the truth of his abuse out, but as most abusers, he has all the power.


Until I became a disabled opposition candidate, I didn't realise the unbridled corruption that the Labour Party Sadiq Kahn & Sir Kier Starmer are ankle deep into. Corruption of the worst kind. So often opposition to Sadiq Kahn is posed as ethnic, for me it is not. My experience is that Sadiq Kahn is an abuser of disability rights abuser of power and election law. I used to vote Labour, now I stand against because this is what the Labour party is now. A party of the well off left & privileged. As a working disabled person it has nothing to do with me anymore.


I was accused today of paranoia. That Sadiq Kahn would not be in the least concerned about my threat. If I had a licence in my hand then I would agree, but Sadiq Kahn has refused almost all disabled performers and all opponents access to the millions of Loners he has access control over. He I and many other disabled people don't have access. So I will let the courts decide. 

Ill be performing anyway. This will mean arrest and prosecution for being a disabled person working for living without the sayso of Sadiq Kahn.

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